Together with our extensive network of IT specialists and experts, we are prepared for any situation and will navigate you through even the most challenging waters!


Cloud Native Conception

From analysis to implementation

In the cloud native world, a well thought-out concept is the key to success. We support you in defining your cloud native architecture, tailored to your individual requirements. Together, we will develop a concept that combines scalability, flexibility and future-proofing.

Our expertise ranges from requirements analysis to the visualization of complex architectures, using agile methods to enable early feedback through prototypes and proof-of-concepts.

If you would like to migrate an existing infrastructure to Kubernetes, we will also provide you with comprehensive support - from the initial analysis through to full implementation. You can find more details about our approach on the Kubernetes Migration subpage.

Our conceptual services

  • Requirements & stakeholder management
  • Conception of cloud native architectures
  • Visualization of architectures & processes
  • Prototype development & proof-of-concepts


Strategically always one step ahead

We advise you on developing a forward-looking digital strategy based on Cloud Native Technologies and Kubernetes.

To do this, we evaluate your options with you and conduct extensive feasibility analyses. Through in-depth market analysis and competitor diagnostics, you stay strategically ahead.

We also gladly review your implemented or planned strategies and measures with you, providing helpful tips or new perspectives.

Our strategy services

  • Evaluation of cloud native possibilities
  • Feasibility & competition analyses
  • Review & optimization of existing strategies
CloudPirates Cloud Consulting
Betrieb von Kubernetes


Optimal adaptation of your architecture to individual requirements

During the needs-based analysis, we ensure that your architecture is optimally tailored to your requirements. Together, we determine the most important needs and check whether your existing resources meet them. This also includes analyzing monitoring data as well as comprehensive system and process evaluations.

In workshops and meetings, we first identify your key requirements and gain a clear picture of your current situation through data analyses and system observations.

Based on these findings, we develop specific recommendations for action that take costs, benefits and feasibility into account in order to optimize your systems in a targeted manner.

Our analysis services

  • Workshops
  • System and process analysis
  • Monitoring analysis
  • Establishment of decision-making foundations

Change Management

Effective management of change processes

The transition to a cloud-native architecture often requires far-reaching organizational adjustments. We guide you through this change by optimally managing change processes and preparing your team for the new requirements with training and best practices.

Our change management ensures that the transition to Kubernetes and cloud native technologies runs smoothly and efficiently.

We use various proven methods and best practices and help your team to develop their full potential.

Our services in change management

  • Processmanagement & Optimization
  • Knowledge transfer through workshops
  • Analysis & optimization of the organizational structure
Kubernetes-Schulung mit den CloudPirates


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